Were do i start..
Everything is pretty much upside down right now.
So much have happend and life still seems to surprise me!
Been sittign here now for atleast 20 mins trying to figure out what to write, what to tell you all..
But its all blank..
Its like my emotions has just frozen.
I fell sad and depressed but my eyes wont let me cry. Maybe Im just sad and that cause Im so used to beeing it and now Im not anymore, lol it probs sounds wierd all this but its like Ive lost myself or maybe not myself, but my old me and now Im back on square one again. I mean i cant say that i like being sad lol but its all Ive know.
So now Im back to the begining and I do have a pretty god feeling that Im gonna be OK this time, i have to be.
I must stop wasting so much time on living in the past!
ah well enough about that, dont wanna bore you to death lol
Hope all you guys are Ok
Miss u all terribly!
Btw 10-15 of June I will be home :)
Hope to see you all then!
Love Z.
Postat av: Anonym
eh...aningen orolig jag blir av att läsa d här då!!!
Hur mår du o va händer?
u better let me know sooon cause u know how I freak out and start thinking the worst.
miss ya babe