
Draged myself in to town today so i could use a comp :P
Ok so ive been here for a week now, and it feels better than when i arrived...
Well im gonna take it from the begining...
We arrived at Stansted about 11.25 sunday 15th, and i must say that airport seriously was confusing lol
I dont think ive ever feelt so lost in my whole life.. and for some reason i lost my abillity to speak, its like i just forgott how to speak english (which i used to speak eeevery singel day :P)
But we somehow maneged to get out of there and on the bus (which we nearly missed) that would take us to Thetford.
So about 1,5h later we arrive in Thetford and meet up wiv Sharon (our boss).
So befor heading to Bardwell Manor (were we work) we had to buy some food.. at Tesco!
It was really hard shopping tbh, there not much of the stuff we usally by/eat in sweden, so yeah it was a bit tricky..
(But went shopping today again and i think im starting to get the hang off it :P)
So after that we headed home to Bardwell...
And u know that kind of feeling u get when u have been travling all day, u just wanna get home, relax, take a shower etc etc..
I almost started to cry when Sharon parked the car outside, what was supoused to be our new home...
Its a big caravan/trailer or whateva, that looks like its gonna fall apart any sec...
but i tryed to keep my spirit up, and thought that it maybe just looked bad outside...
Then we steped inside...
(The crying feeling came back!)
Its really hard to explain how it lookes, its something u have to experience to get it lol (gonna upload pics when i get the chance)
But it was cold, dirty, and just horrible... (and im not a proud or anything, i can put up wiv most things but this...)
We started working at 9 next day and im used to hard work and all that so this bit wasent any problem really...
But to know that u had to go back to that stupid trailer in the end of the day was just horrible...
But now as i said, ive been here for about a week and it feels much better, I have accepted it.. and i keep my sprit up by reminding myself that, this is just for a short term and not forever (thank God for that)
Ye so we work from 8-19.30ish during the week and 8-17ish in the weekends, i have mondays off and can choose between Wensday, Thursday or Friday also...

And i must say that i really like it here, (not here, here) but sort of feels like home for some reason...
Doesnt really feel like im in a diffrent country..

ah well..
Gotta go now, need to get back so i can get ready for tonight...
Going Climbing wiv Karl (Sharons husband) ;D
So over all, it feels good, everyone is soo nice to use and im learning so much and getting soo much experience!
Im making the best out of it!

So to end this now...
I miss you all terribly, EVERYONE of u!

I'll be back in town next week so ill give u all a new update then :)
So take care everyone!

Love Z.



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