Can it be possible ?!
Haha I dont know if ive ever heard this coming out of any girls mouth befor, but...
I have TOO much clothes :O
god its insane...
Was going through all my cloths today to see what i should bring for the trip and all, and I have absolutly noo idea what I should pack or not, i simply have to much to choose between lol
So I think I'll take back all ive said about not having any cloths to wear, cause I most certainly do XD
I just realized, I'm gonna miss everyone soo much, all my friends, family, all you ppl on wow .. everyone ..!
So I hope atleast some of you will come visit me :D
Love Z.
"She will chase you around for a while; but there's going
to be a day when she's gonna stop running in circles around
you. She's going to get over you and at that very moment
you're going to wish you had let her catch you..."