Bad Zarah!
ye i know ive been lazy with the writing but i have been soo busy planing for the trip :P
Its been a change of plans though, I wont be leaving on sunday this week, going next sunday instead!
Anyway, for you who dont know what i'm doing..
I'm gonna work at a ridingschool which is located in Bury st Edmunds, its about 2h driving from London.
So i will basically do all the chores that involves horses, exercise them, muck out, turning out and bringing in, keeping the stables tidy etc.
Here is the site if you wanna check out the place
So tomorrow night I'm having a farewell party (or whateva its called :P), so if you are free and wanna come, give me a call :)
Booze is on tha house ;P
Postat av: Lotta
Hopefully you have nice time over there and everything goes nice :D