Climbing, Blaaw and Creepy guys
Its been a strange but also fun week..
Day off. Shopped for food, cloths all other unnecessary you can think of (just to spend the money :P)
Caroline got run over by a horse and broke her toe (poor thing)
Day off. Went to Berry. Spent some more money on cloths (surprise ^^)
Work. Sharons birthday so we went bowling (yes i won XD)
More work (sigh). Did some jumping with Hero, which went really good (70 cm, woot woot)
Work. Went to the pub later. Played pool 4h in a row. Meet these guys that walked our drunken asses home. One of the guys decided to make out with one of our friends and while doing that he tride to grab my boobs (very bizarre). Only 2h sleep that night. (Blaaaw, best drunken gibberish lol)
Work. Went climbing. I'm now a climbing instructor (Oh yeah)
Today (Monday):
Day off. Went to Berry. Didnt buy any cloths today (well that is a surprise)
Over and Out
Love Z.