Bad Zarah!
ye i know ive been lazy with the writing but i have been soo busy planing for the trip :P
Its been a change of plans though, I wont be leaving on sunday this week, going next sunday instead!
Anyway, for you who dont know what i'm doing..
I'm gonna work at a ridingschool which is located in Bury st Edmunds, its about 2h driving from London.
So i will basically do all the chores that involves horses, exercise them, muck out, turning out and bringing in, keeping the stables tidy etc.
Here is the site if you wanna check out the place
So tomorrow night I'm having a farewell party (or whateva its called :P), so if you are free and wanna come, give me a call :)
Booze is on tha house ;P
The answer to may prayers
I got it, I fucking got it :D
So England, i hope you are I come!
So long Sweden!
"secretly you're the only thing that lifts me up and makes me smile"
Got the job in England!
shit shit shit shit
I can't believe this is actually happening now, I've been jumping around in my the apartment with really loud music the whole morning :D
So if everything goes as planed (cross your fingers) I'm leaving this Sunday, yaaaay :D
anayways, ill let you all in on the details later ^^
I'm breakin down, I just can't take it anymore
I can honestly say i don't even know the meaning of that word anymore.
I just feel sad all the time these days.
I gotta get away from all of this, i'm seriously going crazy!
please wake me up when this phase is over...
"The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity"
I should probs go to bed..Can someone please carry me !?
"It's the way you make me laugh when i don't even wanna smile"
Food and loooots of wine
At Malins place right now (love ya hun <3), drinking wine and just complaining about life!
Gonna head down to Hugos soon and get some food.
Might even stay out, Hugos is apperently having RnB/House night, yaaay!
Havent been drinking for a while, so i already (after just 2 glases of wine) feel a bit tipsy XD
Well I hope all of you are enjoying your evening, I'm sure as hell gonna ;P
And btw, did you know that I'm the coolest person on this planet
ye Its the truth, check it out..
"For some reason, you make my heart tremble"
Sis introduced me... this really good singer the other day John ME and I think i have fallen in love with his song I'll hide you in a song.
So now I'm sitting here with the song on repeat, eating sushi, yum ;P
I went for a walk erlier and realized that spring i just around the corner, the birds are singing and the sun is even shining today. Feels so good that we are moving towards brighter and warmer times, cause I'm so tired of this gray boring weather.
I was looking through some old pics and found some from my trip to Madeira, ooooh i wanna go back!
geeeif the heat of the sun, the cold drinks, the tan :D
I've been thinking about changing my hairstyle, just don't know how. Should i go blond again? cut it short? or maybe save for long hair?

"I can't tell a soul about this love I'm feeling
I can't call out you're name cause I know that you won't hear
So I'll hide you in a song
And hope my love goes on..."
40 truths about me
I am scared of the dark
I am goofy
I really hate dishcloths
I have stolen
I have a tongue piercing
I am absolutly terrified of spider
I worry too much
I can't live without music
I am shy
I love to sing
I am 172 cm tall
I am extremely clumsy
I get bored easily
I am afraid of heights
I love to cook and bake
I don't dare to swim where i cannot reach or see the bottom
I love meat
My eyes change colour depending on how I feel
I am really stubborn
I love roller coasters
I'm scared of dying
I don't always make sense
I'm hyper allergic to bees
I dont miss my ex, i miss having company
I am loyal
I've had every hair colour you can have
I'm a bad loser
My favorite colours are blue and green
I'm really good at painting
I am incredibly lazy
I'm spontaneous
I love to read
I'm a tomboy
I rather give then take
I'm a football freak
I am not a morning person
I find it difficult to let go of the past
I'm right handed
I've had 3 serious relationships
I'm easily amused
Brandi Carlile - The Story
I don't have it all figured out
You learn so many things every day, and it's overwhelming
sometimes trying to see how it all fits together.
I'm starting to realize that each day is a different road and a
different journey, and you don't have to have it all
figured out; you don't have to have all the answers to
everything right now.
"I want you, I want you, I want you
So much more than I should, yes I do"
Boys Boys Boys
Why is it that every fucking guy is obsessed with sex?
I just don't get it..
Do I have some kind of note attached to my forhead saying "Oppen for business" or something?
I dont know if you knew, but...
I don't sleep around with every guy (well I'm not the old lady with 20 cats dying a virgin either)
But the point is that, I'm not looking for sex just because I wear a very low-cut dress or something!
It's like every guy hears "fuck me" when I come up and say "hi" to them..
Did it ever cross your mind that i might be looking for something else ?! Like Love, Friendship or that i maybe even just talk to you to kill time!
Don't get me wrong here I am most definitely not anti sex, god No, I Love Sex!!
I guess what im trying to say is that it would be nice not to be seen as some sexobject all the time!
"Think of what You do to me.."
Fuck guys..
I'll become a nun!
There's something in your eyes that makes me smile!
Yes, today my blogg will be in english.
I seem to think more in english then swedish these days, gaah. It's getting quite anoying actually, now and then i can't seem to find the words I wanna say in swedish but I know them in english :P
Today I started my new workout plan so hoplefully my six pack will return :D
I remember the good old days when i used to play fotball and be in really good shape, god i miss those days.
Have actually been thinking about starting to play again, well if i get back in shape, i might do!
The workout plan isn't the only thin ive changed today, ive also stoped smoking :O and this time I'm gonna make it
(i hope :P)
Ye so today is a good day, for once i actually feel like I can overcome anything, I feel strong!
This is one of the things ive been missing about myself, the Zarah who wasn't scared of anything and could take on any task. Now I'm just a wreck, trying to get all the pices back together again.
But hey, I'm getting there, even if its just baby stepps I'm taking!
Over and Out
Love at first sight..
Japp har förälskat mig i Beyoncés låt Halo. Den har gått på repeat heeeeeela dagen XD
Måste faktis erkänna att denna dag har varit en riktigt bra dag, humöret har varit på topp nästan hela dagen, och de va längesen ja kände såhär!
Har dock inte tagit mig till den punkten jag siktar på men, detta visar att jag kommit en bra bit på vägen och att jag fakits kommer bli ok. Så än ger jag inte upp hoppet om mig själv :P
Nehe ska nog dra mig mot sängen nu tror ja..
sussa sött
over and out
Oh yeah!
Japp då varen fixad, min blogg :D