Matt och Belaten
Precis hemkommen fran PizzaTown, mumma, uderbart gott, de anda som fattas ar kebabsas dock :/
Blidde en svang forbi ASDA pa vagen hem for att inhandla lite glass, sa nu ska jag avnjuta dessa harligheter med en film :)


Va tycks?
Amen va Fan
Gud va trott jag blir pa ibland!
Har har forsokt typ heeela morgonen att andra min blogdesign, men de slutar bara med att de ser ut som de gjorde innan ja ans borja. Jag vet att jag gjort allt ratt o att det kommer att andras om for eller senare, men de ar just de som stor mig sa forbannat, att varje gang ja forsokt andra min blogg pa ett eller ett annat satt medans jag varit i england tar de super lang tid innan nagot overhuvudtaget hander! Sen att datorn och internetet jag anvander har over funkar hastkuk gor ju inte saken batter vill ja lova!
Gaaah vill bara komma hem till Sverige nu!
Ser min blogg lika felkord ut for dig som de gor for mig?
"Borta bra,
Men Hemma..
Sicka problem!
Oboy, snacka om att denna dag borjade apkasst!
Vaknade (som varje dag borjat de senaste veckorna) med en GRYM huvudvark. Hade en kopp for mkt te innan jag gick o la mig och behovde verkligen rusha till toan. Sa jag sprintar trott o allmant grinig ner for trappen men stannar illa kvickt av nagot hemskt o lustigt ovasen fran koket?!
Det lat precis som om de va natt som krop under tapeterna lr natt, hel hemligt assa!
Sen svissar en geting forbi mitt ansikte, vilket far mig hoppa typ 10m bakat, o tur var val det, for sen insag ja att typ hela koket svarmade av getingar. O saklart sa ar man tvungen att ga genom koket for att komma till toan, great! O jag som typ sammlat mod heeeeeela natten for att ans vaga mig in dar igen, efter att ha mott pa annu en av de dar jaaadrans monsturosa spindel asen dar inne igar kvall!
Sa dagen fortsatte i samma spar som den startade mer elle rmindre, Hungrig, kissnodig och huvudvark hela dan i princip!
Sa nu sitter jag har o funderar pa nagot att ata, IGEN! Shit assa jag ar verkligen hungrig hela tiden. Men de ar val inte sa lustigt heller, bara bara 1-2 mal omdagen o en massa onyttig mat som haller en matt i 2 min typ, vilket retar upp min magkattarr hela tiden och far mig att kanna mig annu hungrigare! Vill bara hem nu o ata RIKTIG mat. Fan ja Langtar efter frukt och gronsaker, kottbullar, KAAAAAVIAR, geeeeeee mig nu! :P
Haha detta fick mig att tanka pa middan vi hade i lordags, lol maste verkligen beratta om den..
Jag gjorde Potatisgratang och grillade kott pa fredagen och det blev ganska mkt potatisgratang kvar sa vi spara de for att ha de nasta dag, vilket inte gor mig nagot for ja verkligen Alskar potatisgratang ;)
Men sa skulle det lagas mat da pa lordagen och vi behovde ju sjalvklart ha nagot till gratangen.
Sa Lees mamma sager att hon ska fixa till nagot da ja laga mat dagen innan, fine inga problem!
Hon ropar sen fran koket o sager att maten ar fardig och upplag (vilket ar annu en av sakerna jag inte gillar, ja vill fan ta min egna mat o bestamma sjalv hur mkt ja vill ha). I vilket fall som, kommer ut i koket o ser tallriken.....
Dagens middag: Potatisgratang, sallad (so far, so good), bakad potatis (ok lite mkt "potatis" pa en tallrik nu va men okej..) de som sen fick med att rygga bakat ar att som topping till den bakade potatisen har hon valt....
Spaghetti och kottfarsas...
Ja menar, va fan, ja har sett manga skumma combos men denna tar nog priset och inte nog med det, kottfarsasen o de var rester som hon skrapat ihop, jaaa, skrapat ihop fran vara tallrikar efter vi at de nan dag inna detta.
Blaaaaa assa sager ja ba!
Men men, nog pratat om mat, lr snarare nog pratat overhuvudtaget, glomde nastan helt bort hur hungrig ja va, sa ska nu bege mig pa ett aventyr i koket o se om ja kan hitta natt atbart!
I wish someone or something could push me in the right direction, cause latley I've just been spinning round in a circle and now I just can't seem to get of this ride!
I can feel my soul twisting and turning hoping for an answer, but everyday, every singel day, ends the same... Nothing..
I used to be happy
Why aint I happy?
I'm back were I started; lost, confused...
"Why is my reflection
Someone I don't know?"
Ja fy fan sa daligt jag mar rent ut sagt, de senaste veckorna har varit totalt skit!
Jag vill bara veta nar jag blev den Onda i det har dramat?!
Ah jag kan inte heller forsta mig pa vissa som forsoker nessla sig in dar dom inte hor hemma..
Bara for att kattjaveln ar borta betyder inte det att rattasen ska dansa pa bordet!
Helvete vad Ledsen och Grymt besviken jag ar pa manga just nu!
"Ensam, Bortglomd, Oalskad, Sarad, Besviken, Ledsen, Arg, Lurad, Forvirrad..."
It feels like I've lost everything that I've ever known
Tonight's the night
Tears well up, and throats choke.
The time is here, and it is time for change.
The memories abound and the smiles, though half-hearted, are genuine.
A mix of emotions a varied as a box of crayons.
But time has won its game, and so I must concede.
I bid you farewell
with all the blessings of my heart.
Here's to the good
and here's to the bad.
Because it will forever follow us into the unknown future.
"I'm gone- not for good but for now,
But gone for now feels a lot like gone for good.."
Were do i start..
Everything is pretty much upside down right now.
So much have happend and life still seems to surprise me!
Been sittign here now for atleast 20 mins trying to figure out what to write, what to tell you all..
But its all blank..
Its like my emotions has just frozen.
I fell sad and depressed but my eyes wont let me cry. Maybe Im just sad and that cause Im so used to beeing it and now Im not anymore, lol it probs sounds wierd all this but its like Ive lost myself or maybe not myself, but my old me and now Im back on square one again. I mean i cant say that i like being sad lol but its all Ive know.
So now Im back to the begining and I do have a pretty god feeling that Im gonna be OK this time, i have to be.
I must stop wasting so much time on living in the past!
ah well enough about that, dont wanna bore you to death lol
Hope all you guys are Ok
Miss u all terribly!
Btw 10-15 of June I will be home :)
Hope to see you all then!
Love Z.
Simpel as that!
Somethin' in your eyes, makes me wanna lose myself
Makes me wanna lose myself, in your arms
There's somethin' in your voice, makes my heart beat fast
Hope this feeling lasts, the rest of my life
If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
And if you knew how I wanted someone to come along
And change my life the way you've done
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I come from
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
Climbing, Blaaw and Creepy guys
Its been a strange but also fun week..
Day off. Shopped for food, cloths all other unnecessary you can think of (just to spend the money :P)
Caroline got run over by a horse and broke her toe (poor thing)
Day off. Went to Berry. Spent some more money on cloths (surprise ^^)
Work. Sharons birthday so we went bowling (yes i won XD)
More work (sigh). Did some jumping with Hero, which went really good (70 cm, woot woot)
Work. Went to the pub later. Played pool 4h in a row. Meet these guys that walked our drunken asses home. One of the guys decided to make out with one of our friends and while doing that he tride to grab my boobs (very bizarre). Only 2h sleep that night. (Blaaaw, best drunken gibberish lol)
Work. Went climbing. I'm now a climbing instructor (Oh yeah)
Today (Monday):
Day off. Went to Berry. Didnt buy any cloths today (well that is a surprise)
Over and Out
Love Z.
Where did my money go?
haha guess what ?!?!
Yep your absolutly right!
Shopping, shopping and MORE SHOPPING!
God, I swear Ive died and come to heaven!
And I'm starting to feel really good about myself aswell, It feels like ive finally found some inner peace and that I actually can look in the mirror without feeling sick.
But enough about that :P
Went out last weekend wiv Sharon and some friends to her, she showeds us all the fun places in Berry :)
And did we have fun..!
Oooh yeah!
Don't think ive ever got so much attention and compliments XD
soz B. :P
ah well..
Miss u all soooo much!
And btw alomst forgott!
We have decided now...
We are staying here to the end of July!
So I hope atleast some of you can come visit me at some point ;D
Well gotta go now..
Love Z.
"Not gunna lie or even try
You've got my wheel spinning
And I ain't the one to shot the gun
'cause that means you will be winning"
Yep done some serious shopping today :)
Went through all my cloths yesterday and realized they dont fit anymore, everything is sooo big :O
So today we went to Berry and visited the new shoppingcenter, Arc ;)
So got me a new dress from topshop and a jacket and a cardigan from H&M.
Going for dinner later tonight, its Kerrys birthday.
So Happy B-day sweetie! :)
Love Z.
"Why, why, why, is it hard to sleep without me?
I don't mind if you build your dreams around it.
We won't survive on this borrowed time;
I don't know why you'd wanna try.
I said, "Why, why, why do we waste time on these white lies?" "
Ouch :(
Hurt myself yesterday...again!
Was gonna take one of the horses from the walker back to his stable and then he just decided to take off..wiv me still hanging in the reins..
So my shoulder is a bit messed up now :/
Was gonna upload some pics for ya today, but this stupid comp wont let me (aaaaargh)
Gonna head back home now..
Love Z.
"I miss you a little, I guess you could say a little too much, a little too often and a litte more each day.."
Monday again
Which means Nooooo work, yaay :D
Been here for 2 weeks now and it feels much better!
Even tho Im exhausted aaall the time lol
have had a couple of days thats been really shity, just feelt like cryin'...
thank God Im not alone here!
Don't really know what to write tbh..
Im ok, working my ass of, just same shit everyday :P
Gonna try to upload som pics for ya all next week :D
anyways, gotta go now, need to go spend some more money XD
love ya all!
Draged myself in to town today so i could use a comp :P
Ok so ive been here for a week now, and it feels better than when i arrived...
Well im gonna take it from the begining...
We arrived at Stansted about 11.25 sunday 15th, and i must say that airport seriously was confusing lol
I dont think ive ever feelt so lost in my whole life.. and for some reason i lost my abillity to speak, its like i just forgott how to speak english (which i used to speak eeevery singel day :P)
But we somehow maneged to get out of there and on the bus (which we nearly missed) that would take us to Thetford.
So about 1,5h later we arrive in Thetford and meet up wiv Sharon (our boss).
So befor heading to Bardwell Manor (were we work) we had to buy some food.. at Tesco!
It was really hard shopping tbh, there not much of the stuff we usally by/eat in sweden, so yeah it was a bit tricky..
(But went shopping today again and i think im starting to get the hang off it :P)
So after that we headed home to Bardwell...
And u know that kind of feeling u get when u have been travling all day, u just wanna get home, relax, take a shower etc etc..
I almost started to cry when Sharon parked the car outside, what was supoused to be our new home...
Its a big caravan/trailer or whateva, that looks like its gonna fall apart any sec...
but i tryed to keep my spirit up, and thought that it maybe just looked bad outside...
Then we steped inside...
(The crying feeling came back!)
Its really hard to explain how it lookes, its something u have to experience to get it lol (gonna upload pics when i get the chance)
But it was cold, dirty, and just horrible... (and im not a proud or anything, i can put up wiv most things but this...)
We started working at 9 next day and im used to hard work and all that so this bit wasent any problem really...
But to know that u had to go back to that stupid trailer in the end of the day was just horrible...
But now as i said, ive been here for about a week and it feels much better, I have accepted it.. and i keep my sprit up by reminding myself that, this is just for a short term and not forever (thank God for that)
Ye so we work from 8-19.30ish during the week and 8-17ish in the weekends, i have mondays off and can choose between Wensday, Thursday or Friday also...
And i must say that i really like it here, (not here, here) but sort of feels like home for some reason...
Doesnt really feel like im in a diffrent country..
ah well..
Gotta go now, need to get back so i can get ready for tonight...
Going Climbing wiv Karl (Sharons husband) ;D
So over all, it feels good, everyone is soo nice to use and im learning so much and getting soo much experience!
Im making the best out of it!
So to end this now...
I miss you all terribly, EVERYONE of u!
I'll be back in town next week so ill give u all a new update then :)
So take care everyone!
Love Z.
Last night
Yes this will be the last night I'm writing.
Caroline is arriving tomorrow, so we'll be busy drinking wine and sorting the last stuff out befor we leave on sunday :)
I must say I'm not as nervous now as I was the other day (It will probs come sneaking back upon me when I get on the plane lol)
I actually feel really excited now, this is gonna be such a big adventure :D
And I'm really happy that I will be sharing it with you sweetie ♥
"You were never supposed to mean this much to me"
3 days left
I'm actually starting to get a bit nervous now :S
The days are flying by and sunday is just around the corner!
Soon my big adventure begins and i cant wait..
I know we have our differences and that we don't always get along
But you'll always be my favorite!
Lil' Sis I'm sure as hell gonna miss you ♥

My life would suck without you!
Love you all ♥
Packing really sucks!
I've been trying aaaaaaaaaall afternoon to pack that stupid suitcase. I have to much things that i need to bring and it just wont fit!
I seriously don't know how the hell I'm gonna solve this!
I managed to fit all my riding cloths and the hats, but thats about it..
This is really driving me crazy and stressing me out even more.
Im so bored..
Nothing to do, no one to talk to...sigh!
I simply just sit here with this song on repeat and do as little as possible.
But wait....
Whats that I see...
Next episode of Grey's have just completed, my evening is saved :D
So now, I'm gonna go make myself some popcorn (havent had that in ages) and then just enjoy one of the best shows ever!!!!

Can it be possible ?!
Haha I dont know if ive ever heard this coming out of any girls mouth befor, but...
I have TOO much clothes :O
god its insane...
Was going through all my cloths today to see what i should bring for the trip and all, and I have absolutly noo idea what I should pack or not, i simply have to much to choose between lol
So I think I'll take back all ive said about not having any cloths to wear, cause I most certainly do XD
I just realized, I'm gonna miss everyone soo much, all my friends, family, all you ppl on wow .. everyone ..!
So I hope atleast some of you will come visit me :D
Love Z.
"She will chase you around for a while; but there's going
to be a day when she's gonna stop running in circles around
you. She's going to get over you and at that very moment
you're going to wish you had let her catch you..."